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Acesso exclusivo para sócios corporativos
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Os vencedores brasileiros já anunciados
A organização do One Show começou a entregar os Lápis de Ouro, Prata e Bronze para os vencedores da edição de 2018 do festival na noite desta quarta-feira (09). A segunda noite de premiação acontecerá nesta sexta-feira (11), em Nova York.
Foram concedidos 299 Lápis, sendo 116 de Ouro, 82 de Prata e 101 de Bronze, para trabalhos de 37 diferentes países.
Confira abaixo os vencedores brasileiros na primeira noite de premiação:
Gold Pencil:
DM9 DDB, São Paulo, Brazil “Price on the Jersey” for Walmart in Direct Marketing, Live Events
DM9 DDB, São Paulo, Brazil “Price on the Jersey” for Walmart in Direct Marketing, Guerrilla Marketing
FCB Brasil with UMSTUDIO.COM, Antonio Brasiliano and Vitor Patalano, all São Paulo, Brazil “The Corruption Converter” for Estadão Newspaper in Design, Dynamic
Grey, São Paulo, Brazil with Grey LATAM “The Colour of Corruption” for Reclame Aqui in Design, Dynamic
Ogilvy Brasil with Sonido and Vetor Films, all São Paulo, Brazil and Shutterstock, USA “VR Vaccine” for Hermes Pardini in Health, Wellness & Pharma, Use of Technology
Ogilvy Brasil with Sonido and Vetor Films, all São Paulo, Brazil and Shutterstock, USA “VR Vaccine” for Hermes Pardini in Health, Wellness & Pharma, Mobile
Silver Pencil:
Ogilvy Brasil with Bando Studio, Banda Sonora and In Press Brodeur Partners, all São Paulo, Brazil “The Voice of Art” for IBM in Direct Marketing, Experiential & Installations
GTB Brasil, São Paulo “Safe Cap” for Ford Motor Company in Intellectual Property, Physical Product
Bronze Pencil:
DM9 DDB, São Paulo, Brazil “Kiss the Kremlin” for Ssex Bbox in Direct Marketing, Social Media & Viral Marketing, Campaign
Ogilvy Brasil with Sonido and Vetor Films, all São Paulo and Shutterstock, USA “VR Vaccine” for Hermes Pardini in Direct Marketing, Experiential & Installations
Ogilvy Brasil with Sonido and Vetor Films, all São Paulo and Shutterstock, USA “VR Vaccine” for Hermes Pardini in Health, Wellness & Pharma, Innovation in Health & Wellness
Abaixo, veja quais trabalhos abocanharam o Best of Discipline na primeira noite da premiação:
Branded Entertainment:
MRM//McCann, Madrid “Beyond Money” for Banco Santander
Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam with New Amsterdam and Mindshare, all Amsterdam, “The Lioness Crest” for Nike
Direct Marketing:
McCann New York with Visbal Sculpture, Inc., Lewes, Delaware and Traction Creative, New York “Fearless Girl” for State Street Global Advisors
Health, Wellness & Pharma:
McCann Worldgroup India, Mumbai with McCann Health, Delhi, both India, and McCann Health Global, Washington, DC, “Immunity Charm” for Ministry of Public Health, Afghanistan
Intellectual Property:
Colenso BBDO, Auckland, New Zealand “Pedigree Selfie STIX Clip” for Mars
Moving Image Craft:
MPC, London and Los Angeles with MJZ, Los Angeles and Leo Burnett, Chicago “Samsung, Ostrich” for Samsung
Public Relations:
Clemenger BBDO, Melbourne, Australia “Give Registry” for Myer
Responsive Environments:
TBWA\Hakuhodo Inc. with Tohokushinsha Film Corporation, both Tokyo, “Green Light Run” for adidas Japan
Leia anteriores sobre os finalistas do One Show 2018 aqui e aqui.