
CCSP English Minute 2

Aulas curtas de inglês no Clubeonline (por Jason Bermingham)


CCSP English Minute

Aulas curtas de inglês, três vezes por semana (2ªs, 4ªs e 6ªs), exclusivamente no Clubeonline

Por Jason Bermingham

CCSP English Minute

Aula desta quarta-feira, 12 de março: Do the Lula!

Do you have a hard time (dificuldade) pronouncing the English “th”? Why not do the Lula? If you imitate the way the former Brazilian president says Portuguese words like sopa (tho-pa) and casa (ca-tha) you will find (você vai descobrir) that you have placed (colocado) your tongue (língua) against the edge (extremidade, ponta) of your upper front teeth (dentes de frente de cima) – in the correct position to say hard-to-pronounce English words like brother, three, and thank you.

Listen to the audio recording [duração 03m50s] to learn more. The sentences below are included in the audio. Practice repeating them to improve your pronunciation of the English “th”.

1. I thank my three brothers.

2. My birthday is on Thursday April third.

3. These three teeth hurt my mouth.

4. They went with their mother to the theater.

5. There are thirteen thin women there.

Clique aqui para acompanhar a aula número 01.


CCSP English Minute 2
