

Grupo quer responsabilizar abusadores do mercado publicitário


Um grupo anônimo de executivos da publicidade emitiu, no Reino Unido, declaração chamada "Battlecry", que promete responsabilizar por assédio sexual homens abusivos da indústria.

O grupo se posicionou depois que Zoe Scaman, fundadora da Bodacious, publicou, na plataforma online Substack, em 4 de julho, artigo intitulado "Mad Men. Furious Women" (leia aqui), no qual fala sobre como a indústria não fez o suficiente para erradicar o assédio sexual do mercado publicitário e confrontar os homens envolvidos.

Zoe ajudou a organizar a publicação de “Battlecry”, documento que foi “escrito para e por todos aqueles que foram decepcionados pela indústria”, segundo os autores.

"Teremos uma abordagem de tolerância zero", diz o grupo em sua declaração, alegando que seus membros sabem os nomes de alguns dos homens abusadores e, se seu comportamento continuar, eles irão "à polícia".

Confira abaixo a declaração “Battlecry”, na íntegra:

"This is the moment you never wanted to come.

"The line in the sand you never thought anyone would draw.

"The chorus of people rising, one by one

"Each saying, ‘No more’.

"No more will we let you get away with your behaviour.

"No more will we bury the stories and suffer in silence.

"No more will we let you hide behind your wives and your daughters.

"No more will we accept your online virtue signalling as a sign you’ve changed.

"No more will we let you be heralded as CEOs, founders, ECDs and leaders of this industry.

"Moving forward your reputations will be forever scarred.

"As we are.

"If you are worried your name has been shared – it has.

"If you are worried people are talking about you – they are.

"And a lot of us have receipts.

"Your NDAs may protect you for now.

"And the law may be on your side.

"But what is not, is us.

"The people you have hurt. Degraded. Fired. Assaulted. Raped.

"You may not believe that happens here.

"But it does.

"All. The. Time.

"You and the people put in place to protect you have just made those stories disappear.

"You have all persuaded yourselves that it’s ‘not that bad’.

"But who gets to decide what is good and bad?

"Who gets to decide what is right and wrong?

"Who gets to play judge and jury?

"It was you.

"But now it’s us.

"We have recognised that management teams and HR departments protect businesses.

"So, from now on, we will protect ourselves.

"We will have a zero tolerance approach.

"We won’t escalate internally.

"We’ll escalate to the police.

"We won’t sign your silencing documents.

"We’ll shout your names from the rooftops.

"We won’t cower under your threats of reprisal.

"We’ll stand tall with an army at our backs.

"We won’t take your money to stay quiet.

"From now on, there’s no price you can pay to keep our mouths shut.

"While we may not be able to hold you accountable for your actions of the past

"We can hold you accountable for your actions today and tomorrow.

"Think of this as your point of reckoning.

"A moment in time where you have a choice to make.

"To hold yourself and your behaviour accountable.

"To learn and grow and change.

"Or to keep doing what you are doing

"And to push against the turning of the tide.

"But trust us when we say, if you do, we will pull you under.

"Because now you won’t be able to squash one person and their experience

"You’ll have to take on us all.

"You ignored Times Up and Me Too, narrowly, and laughed about it in bars (yes, we know).

"But you should be more scared of this.

"Now you won’t even get away with so much as a stray wink.

"Good luck out there.

"Accountability is a bitch.

"And now all eyes are on you.

"Written for and by all those let down by the industry"

Leia a matéria da Campaign na íntegra, aqui.

