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Acesso exclusivo para sócios corporativos
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Festival anuncia prêmios especiais – com BR
A organização do London International Awards (LIA) 2024 anunciou os ganhadores dos prêmios especiais, "Of The Year Awards". O título de Holding Company of the Year ficou com o WPP, enquanto o de Network of the Year é da Ogilvy. Já a Ogilvy de Nova York ficou com o troféu de Agency of the Year. E a CeraVe, com o de Client of the Year.
A brasileira Canja recebeu o prêmio de Global Music & Sound Company Of The Year. Esta é a segunda vez que ela conquista uma Black Global Statue – a primeira foi em 2022.
Neste ano, a produtora ganhou 18 estatuetas. Na conta estão dois Grand LIAs, um concedido pelo case “47”, da Klick Health de Toronto para Café Joyeux, e outro para “Gravy Race”, da AMVBBDO de Londres para a Sheba.
A Canja também foi nomeada Regional Music & Sound Company Of The Year para a América do Sul. Nessa lista, a Colossal, de São Paulo, conquistou o título de Regional Post-Production Company Of The Year. A Regional Network Of The Year foi a Grey.
Veja abaixo a lista completa dos ganhadores globais – que, neste ano, teve a inclusão de um ranking, apontando os três primeiros colocados. Também confira os prêmios da América do Sul.
Em outubro, foram revelados os ganhadores e finalistas desta edição, a 39ª, do LIA. Clique aqui para ver os brasileiros vencedores.
List of Global Of The Year Winners:
Holding Company of the Year: WPP
Network of the Year: Ogilvy
Client of the Year: CeraVe
Agency of the Year: Ogilvy, New York
Independent Network of the Year: Serviceplan Group
Independent Agency of the Year: Rethink, Toronto
Health & Pharma Network of the Year: IPG Health
Health & Pharma Client of the Year: Café Joyeux
Health & Pharma Agency of the Year: TBWA\Health Collective, New York
Independent Health & Pharma Agency of the Year: Klick Health, Toronto
In-House Company of the Year: Creative X, Menlo Park
Design Company of the Year: Circus Grey, Lima
Production Company of the Year: Prettybird
Post-Production Company of the Year: Mackcut
PR Network of the Year: Ogilvy PR
PR Company of the Year: Ogilvy PR, New York
Music & Sound Company of the Year: Canja Audio Culture
Audio & Radio Company of the Year: Sonido, Lisbon and Tempest, Brooklyn
Regional Of The Year Awards for South America:
Regional Network Of The Year: Grey
Regional Agency Of The Year: Circus Grey, Lima
Regional Design Company Of The Year: Circus Grey, Lima
Regional Production Company Of The Year: Rebeca, Lima
Regional Post-Production Company Of The Year: Colossal, São Paulo
Regional PR Company Of The Year: LLYC, Lima
Regional Music & Sound Company Of The Year: Canja Audio Culture
Global Of The Year Rankings
Holding Company of the Year
1. WPP
2. IPG
3. Publicis
Network of the Year
2. Publicis
3. McCann
Client of the Year
1. CeraVe
2. Orange
3. ABInBev and Heineken
Agency of the Year
2. Marcel, Paris
3. FCB, New York
Independent Network of the Year
2. Rethink
3. Jung von Matt
Independent Agency of the Year
1. Rethink, Toronto
2. Small, New York
3. Serviceplan, Hamburg
Health & Pharma Network of the Year
1. IPG Health
2. Grey Health
3. Havas Health
Health & Pharma Client of the Year
1. Café Joyeux
2. Moderna, Inc.
3. CeraVe Skincare
Health & Pharma Agency of the Year
1. TBWA\Health Collective, New York
2. Area 23, an IPG Health Company
3. Grey Health NY, New York and TANK Worldwide
Independent Health & Pharma Agency of the Year
1. Klick Health, Toronto
In-House Company of the Year
1. Creative X, Menlo Park
2. Amazon XCM
Design Company of the Year
1. Circus Grey, Lima
2. SRMG Labs, Riyadh
3. VML Ogilvy Japan, Tokyo
Production Company of the Year
1. Prettybird
2. Rebeca, Lima
3. Indiana Production, Milan
Post-Production Company of the Year
1. Mackcut
2. Deseif Films, Madrid
3. 22 DOGS
PR Network of the Year
1. Ogilvy PR
2. Weber Shandwick
3. Edelman
PR Company of the Year
1. Ogilvy PR, New York
2. LLYC, Lima
3. Weber Shandwick, New York
Music & Sound Company of the Year
1. Canja Audio Culture
2. Stabbiolo Music, Sarteano, Italy
3. Sonido, Lisbon and Tempest, Brooklyn
Audio & Radio Company of the Year
1. Sonido, Lisbon & Tempest, Brooklyn
2. Pickle Music, Madrid