
Get almost, almost anything

Cher pede máquina do tempo, por Uber Eats


A cantora e atriz Cher pede uma máquina do tempo para voltar aos anos 80, na nova etapa da campanha global "Get almost, almost anything", do Uber Eats.

Dirigido por Mark Molloy, da Exit Films, o comercial (assista abaixo), criado pela Special, traz Cher cantarolando uma de suas músicas e ansiando por seu apogeu na década de 1980.

Depois de usar o Uber Eats para pedir uma máquina do tempo, ela parece ter seu desejo atendido, mas logo fica claro que ela voltou no tempo algumas décadas longe demais, para 1680. A população da época a acusa de ser uma "bruxa".

De volta aos tempos atuais, o filme faz um trocadilho entre as palavras "time machine" e "thyme" - evidenciando que Uber Eats não entrega máquina do tempo, mas tomilho, sim.

O esforço também conta com peças para áudio e peças para mídias sociais.

Mais recentemente, Uber Eats prometeu entregar até Andy Murray, como parte da campanha (leia e assista aqui).

Ficha Técnica:

Client: Uber Eats
Senior Director of Marketing, International: Lucinda Barlow
Senior Director of Marketing, APAC: Andy Morley
Head of Marketing, ANZ: Nicole Bardsley
Brand Lead, ANZ: Channa Goonasekara
Brand Marketing Manager: Rebecca Macciolli
Brand Marketing Associate: Holly Dover
Global Executive Creative Director: Danielle Hawley
Creative Director, APAC: Adam Ledbury
Associate Creative Director: Yessy Downs
Director Communications, ANZ: Peta Fitzgerald
Head of Delivery Communications, ANZ: Nick Vindin
Media Lead, ANZ: Rob Maddison
Strategy Lead, APAC: Josh Pickstone
Senior Marketing Manager, NZ: Olivia Sykes
Talent and Legal: Cameron Loughlin, Jessica Shao

Creative Agency: Special
Partners & CEOs: Lindsey Evans & Cade Heyde
Partners & CCOs: Julian Schreiber & Tom Martin
Creative Directors: James Sexton & Harry Neville-Towle
Lead Creatives: Hannah McCowatt & Laura Grimshaw
Managing Director: Lauren Portelli
Team Leads: Rachel McEwen, Laura Little
Business Director: Claire Emery
Business Manager: Oscar Kennedy
Head of Strategy: Celia Garforth
Strategy Director: JJ Bender
Head of Film Production: Sevda Cemo
Executive Producer: Wendy Gillies, Paul Johnston
Integrated Producer: Will Sealey
Head of Stills: Nick Lilley
Stills Producer: Danielle Senecky
Head of Design: Adam Shear
Designer: Maggie Webster, Cameron Morris
Finished Artist: Jen Bailey, John Rivera

Production Companies: Exit Films & Smuggler Films
Director: Mark Molloy
Cinematographer: Robert Elswit
Executive Producer: Leah Churchill-Brown
Producer: Alexandra Taussig
Producer: Luigi Rossi
1st AD: Peter Kohn
Casting Director: Jodi Sonnenberg

Post-Production: Alt.VFX
Music Supervision: Level Two

Stills Production: Chee Productions
Executive Producers: Tamiko Wafer & Matt Chee
Photographer: Christopher Tovo
Digital Operator: Jake Lowe
Retouching: Cream Studios

Editing: The Editors
Editor: Stewart Reeves & Stuart Cadzow
Managing Director: Nicoletta Rousianos
Executive Producer: Rita Gagliardi
Lead Flame Artist: Eugene Richards
Colourist: Fergus Rotherham

Sound: Rumble Studios
Lead Sound Designer: Tone Aston
Sound Designer: Daniel William
Sound Executive Producer: Michael Gie

BTS Press: Tony Gardiner ACS
Media Agency: EssenceMediacom
Retail Agency: Hatched

Get almost, almost anything
