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Ainda não é Sócio do Clube de Criação? Associe-se agora!
Brasil conquista um Grand Clio
Entre os 30 ganhadores de Grand Clios revelados na noite desta quarta-feira, 01, pela organização do Clio Awards, está um case do Brasil. A DM9 conquistou o GP da categoria Print & OOH Craft por “The One Exhibition”, campanha feita para a Leica.
No mês passado, o Clio anunciou os vencedores em cada uma de suas categorias, deixando os GPs para a cerimônia de premiação, bem como os troféus especiais. A campanha da Leica amealhou 3 Ouros, 1 Prata e 1 Bronze.
No Cannes Lions 2023, “The One Exhibition” recebeu uma Prata em Print & Publishing e um Bronze em Industry Craft. No LIA 2023, o case faturou o Grand Prix de Print.
O trabalho destaca a Leica M11, que tem um sensor de 60 megapixels. A partir de uma única foto tirada pela câmera foram extraídas dezenas de imagens a partir de detalhes. Com isso, foram criadas uma exposição e um álbum de fotos, contando histórias por meio desses recortes - veja videocase abaixo.
Um dos destaques do Clio Awards 2024 foi a campanha “WoMen’s Football” - ou “La compil des bleues” -, criada pela Marcel para a operadora Orange. Ela conquistou 4 Grand Clios. O filme utilizou VFX para mostrar proezas em campo da seleção francesa de futebol. No primeiro momento, as grandes jogadas pareciam ser do time masculino, mas quem brilhava no gramado era, na verdade, a equipe feminina, que foi alterada pelos efeitos.
Entre os prêmios especiais, os resultados foram os seguintes:
- Agency of the Year: Publicis Conseil
- Advertiser of the Year: Michelob Ultra
- Independent Agency of the Year: Rethink Canada
- Network of the Year: Ogilvy
- Production Company of the Year: Prodigious Paris.
O Clio Awards homenageou Susan Credle, global chair da FCB e creative advisor do IPG, com o Lifetime Achievement Award. E o astrofísico Neil deGrasse Tyson, diretor do Hayden Planetarium (NY), recebeu um Clio honorário.
Além disso, a dupla chilena Cristian Mugarra Palma e Luis Piceros Fierro foi vencedora do Pepsi Emerging Creative Award.
Veja aqui os ganhadores brasileiros de Ouro, Prata e Bronze do Clio Awards. E aqui a lista de todos os vencedores desta edição.
Confira abaixo os premiados com Grand Clios neste ano.
Audio: Public Service
“You Can Buy a Radio Station”
By Havas Gurisa for Loteria y Quinielas del Uruguay
By Ogilvy Hong Kong for Women Helping Women
Audio Craft: Product/Service
“Breathe Through It”
By David Madrid for Halls
Branded Entertainment & Content: Product/Service
“WoMen’s Football”
By Marcel for Orange
Creative Business Transformation: Product/Service
“Renault-Plug Inn”
By Publicis Conseil for Renault
Creative Business Transformation: Public Service
“Working with Cancer”
By Publicis Groupe for Working with Cancer
Creative Effectiveness: Product/Service
“WoMen’s Football”
By Marcel for Orange
Creative Use of Data: Business to Business
“Nativa Meter”
By L&C for AB InBev-Bavaria-Cerveza Nativa
Creative Use of Data: Product/Service
“Life Extending Stickers”
By Grey Colombia || VML Colombia for Makro Colombia
Creative Use of Data: Public Service
By TBWA\Zurich for Terre des Femmes
Design: Product/Service
“My Japan Railway”
By Dentsu Inc. for JR Group
Design: Public Service
“The Dropstore”
By Publicis Groupe Benelux for Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Kingdom of The Netherlands
Design Craft: Product/Service
By McCann New York for Microsoft
Design Craft: Public Service
“Channel 4 Idents”
By 4creative + Art Practice for Channel 4
Direct: Product/Service
“Where to Settle”
By McCann Poland & McCann NY for Mastercard
Direct: Public Service
“Waiting to Live”
By VML UK for NHS Blood & Transport
Digital/Mobile: Product/Service
“Where to Settle”
By McCann Poland & McCann NY for Mastercard
Digital/Mobile & Social Media Craft: Product/Service
By McCann New York for Microsoft
Experience/Activation: Product/Service
“Driving While Black”
By Goodby, Silverstein & Partners/Critical Mass for Courageous Conversation Global Foundation
Experience/Activation: Public Service
“Pop Tarts: The First Edible Mascot”
By Weber Shandwick for Kellanova
Film: Product/Service
“WoMen’s Football”
By Marcel for Orange
Film Craft Music Original: Product/Service
“Play It Safe”
By The Monkeys, part of Accenture Song for Sydney Opera House
Integrated: Product/Service
“Barbie The Movie”
By Mattel for Barbie
Media: Product/Service
“Sans Émission”
By VML Canada / Type1 for Volkswagen Canada
Out of Home: Product/Service
“Coors Lights Out”
By Rethink for Coors Light
Partnerships & Collaborations: Product/Service
“Barbie The Movie”
By Mattel for Barbie
Print: Public Service
“Prêt à Voter”
By Publicis Conseil for Solar Impulse
Print & OOH Craft: Product/Service
“The One Exhibition”
By DM9 for Leica Photoglobal
Public Relations: Product/Service
“Aizome Wastecare”
By Serviceplan Germany for Aizome
Social Media: Product/Service
“WoMen’s Football”
By Marcel for Orange