

Google Play substitui Android Market


Clique aqui e veja filme criado pela agência Studio G para apresentar o Google Play, nova loja de aplicativos, músicas, livros e filmes do Google.

Com o lançamento, a Android Market, loja de apps do Google, deixa de existir.

Ficha Técnica:

Agency: Studio G
Client: Google
Writer/Director: Jonathan Zames
Producer: Yovel Schwartz
Production Company: Studio G
Production Company: Camp Creative
Line Producer: David Dranitzke
Fabrication and Practical Effects: White Room Artifacts
Visual Effects: HOPR
Director of Photography: Adam Santelli
Art Director: Garret Lowe
Motion Control: Camera Control
Product Marketing Manager: Paola Veglio
Music Composition: Headquarters Music
Sound Design and Mix: Sound Lounge

