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Acesso exclusivo para sócios corporativos
Ainda não é Sócio do Clube de Criação? Associe-se agora!
Michel Gondry dirige por FedEx
O cineasta Michel Gondry ("Brilho Eterno de uma Mente sem Lembranças") dirige o comercial "Dream" (assista abaixo), criado pela BBDO de Nova York para FedEx.
O filme traz uma versão surreal do que aconteceria na empresa enquanto as pessoas estão dormindo: "what we do every night is like something out of a strange dream, except that in the next morning it all makes sense", diz o narrador, enquanto brinquedos e outros objetos ganham vida e conseguem chegar sozinhos aos seus destinatários.
Ficha Técnica:
Agency: BBDO New York
Client: FedEx
Title: Dream
Chief Creative Officer, Worldwide: David Lubars
Chief Creative Officer, New York: Greg Hahn
Executive Creative Director: Gianfranco Arena
Executive Creative Director: Peter Kain
Senior Creative Director: Tom Kraemer
Creative Director: Dan Kenneally
Director of Integrated Production: David Rolfe
Group Executive Producer: Amy Wertheimer
Senior Content Producer: Sofia Doktori
Director of Music: Rani Vaz
Director of Business Affairs: Bernadette Naughten
Business Affairs Manager: Kathy Bannon
Group Planning Director: Sangeet Pillai
Senior Communications Planner: Nicole Landesman
Senior Account Director: Kathryn Brown
Account Director: Daniel Langlitz
Account Manager: Alexandra Dobush
Account Executive: Taylor Baird
Project Manager: Noreen Masih
Production Company: Partizan
Director: Michel Gondry
Director of Photography: Shawn Kim
Producer: Raffi Adlan
Edit House: Exile
Editor: Eric Zumbrunnen
Assistant Editor: Christopher Fetsch
Head of Production: Melanie Gagliano
Executive Producer: Sasha Hirschfeld
VFX: Method Studios
Executive Producer: Stuart Robinson
VFX Supervisor: Doug Luka
CG Supervisor: Ivan Guerrero
Flame Artist: Chris Hunt
Senior VFX Producer: Bennett Lieber