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Selecionamos 50 painéis. Escolha alguns e veja de lá ou de cá
O SXSW 2023 começa nesta sexta-feira 10 e segue até o domingo 19, em Austin, Texas (EUA). Quem não for se deslocar até a cidade texana poderá acompanhar algumas sessões com transmissão online ou por VOD (video on demand).
Caso você esteja com a agenda em aberto, ainda montando sua programação frente ao mar (tsunami?) de painéis que irão rolar, espalhados em 25 diferentes trilhas, o Clubeonline decidiu indicar alguns que podem trazer insights, aprofundar conhecimento, apresentar novas perspectivas, provocar reflexões ou até despertar o interesse para um tema que, até então, parecia distante.
Vale lembrar que acompanhar o SXSW significa fazer escolhas. Muita coisa acontece no mesmo horário em que se debaterá outro tema instigante. E outro. E mais outro.
Não deixe de espiar aqui os brasileiros que estarão nos palcos do festival (na lista abaixo não incluímos painéis com brasileiros).
Ah, os horários indicados são de Austin. Lembre-se: Brasília está três horas à frente.
- Sexta 10, às 10h – Sessão de abertura: “Simran Jeet Singh in Conversation with Laurie Santos”. Trilha ou Tag: Equidade. Simran Jeet Singh, diretor executivo do programa Religion & Society do Aspen Institute, foi apontado pela Time como um das pessoas que mais lutam pela equidade nos Estados Unidos. É autor do livro “The Light We Give: How Sikh Wisdom Can Transform Your Life”.
- Sexta 10, às 14h30 – “OpenAI Co-founder on ChatGPT, DALL·E, and the Impact of Generative AI”. Trilha ou Tag: Tech Industry. Tem transmissão online e VOD. Com Greg Brockman, cofundador e presidente da OpenAI. “The conversation will give an insider's look at the research lab behind popular creative tools DALL·E and ChatGPT and some of the most sophisticated advances in AI. We’ll talk about the future of identity, media and what it means to be human in a world of artificial intelligence”.
- Sexta 10, às 14h30 – “How to Achieve Gigatonne Scale Carbon Removal”. Trilha ou Tag: Climate Change. “The world is in a climate crisis. In addition to serious emissions reductions, carbon removal capacity needs to increase 10 billion tonnes per year by 2050 to meet global climate goals. That’s 1 million times the carbon removal capacity we have available today!”
- Sexta 10, às 14h30 – “Less is More: Moving Fast with the 4-Day Work Week”. Trilha ou Tag: Workplace Revolution. Com Phil McParlane, fundador da “The 4-day work week is not just trendy—studies have shown that it boosts productivity, increases employee retention, reduces burnout—and yes, it’s a hiring superpower. But, the answer isn’t as simple as just cutting out a day of work. It takes structure and thoughtful processes in order to help teams not just work less, but work smarter”.
- Sexta 10, às 14h30 – 'Climate Crisis vs. Consumer Culture: How We Shift”. Trilha ou Tag: Climate Change. “Amid a global climate crisis, the culture of consumerism is exploding. Over 59 million packages were delivered each day in the U.S. alone in 2021 (…). From material sourcing to package waste and carbon emissions of delivery, corporate practices are increasingly under the microscope as sustainability takes the forefront”.
- Sexta 10, às 14h30 – “Designing Equity Through an Afrofuturist Lens”. Trilha ou Tag: Civic Engagement/ DEI/ Design/ Equidade. “Afrofuturism is an artistic and philosophical movement that combines elements of science fiction, African history, and technology to imagine innovative futures. This interactive session will feature a panel of designers, artists, time travelers, and futurists working to create a more just, equitable, and beautiful society”.
- Sexta 10, às 16h – “Cannabis Market Melts Down: What's Next?”. Trilha ou Tag: Cannabis. “2022 saw declining sales in mature markets, product oversaturation, threats from the illicit market and a dearth of affordable capital. We’ll give you a quick review of the current landscape then empower you with real-world examples of how plant-touching companies are making it through the storm”.
- Sexta 10, às 16h – “Tarana Burke and Aliah Berman”. Trilha ou Tag: Culture. Tem transmissão online e VOD. Com Tarana Burke, ativista, autora e fundadora do movimento Me Too, e Aliah Berman, Chief Diversity Officer da TBWA\North America.
- Sexta 10, às 16h – “What to Say When the World Is Ending”. Trilha ou Tag: Civic Engagement/ Liderança/ Storytelling. “In the face of intersecting, overlapping, near-constant catastrophes, leaders are called not only to react, but to proactively address the crises of our day. That certainly goes for politicians - but also for CEOs and industry leaders, who are expected to take a stand on wars, plagues, and injustices, as well as democracy and the freedoms it protects”.
- Sábado 11, às 10h – "Amy Webb Launches 2023 Emerging Tech Trend Report". Trilha ou Tag: Tech Industry/ IA. Tem live, transmissão online e VOD. Com Amy Webb, CEO do Future Today. “In this provocative session, futurist Amy Webb, CEO of the Future Today Institute and professor at NYU Stern School of Business, will provide a data-driven analysis for the emerging tech trends that need to be on your radar this year––and she’ll show you scenarios that will change your perspective on the futures”.
- Sábado 11, às 11h30 – “The Digital Humans are Ready for Their Close Up”. Trilha ou Tag: Creating Film & TV/ IA/ Design. “This panel will host a range of filmmakers who are utilizing real-time technology and digital humans in compelling and unexpected ways - on projects ranging from films, to VR experiences, to animated series such as Netflix’s ‘Love Death & Robots’”.
- Sábado 11, às 11h30 – “To Trip or Not to Trip”. Trilha ou Tag: Psychedelics. Tem transmissão online e VOD. Com David E. Nichols, farmacologista, químico e professor emérito da Purdue University, que trabalha no campo de drogas psicoativas desde 1969. “The psychedelic science torch is getting passed to the next generation, with fresh perspectives on both ancient and future medicines. Can we take the “trip” out of psychedelics and do we want to? Will “next gen” psychedelic compounds have an advantage over today’s medicines?”
- Sábado 11, às 11h30 – “Advertising Strategies for a Brutal Budget Season”. Trilha ou Tag: Advertising & Brand Experience. Com Nancy Hill, CEO da Marcus Thomas LLC e presidente do 4As de 2008 a 2017. “There's a carpe diem moment for marketers that defend their share of voice (SOV). Data suggests that brands that cut their SOV during a recession end up spending more during the recovery to get back SOV and marketshare. It also shows that brands that continue to invest with the same dollars gain an ROI that makes up for continuing to spend”.
- Sábado 11, às 11h30 – “2 Degrees From Disaster”. Trilha ou Tag: Food/ Clima/ Ativismo. “We are 2 degrees away from a humanitarian and hunger disaster. (…) Today, 1 in 10 in people worldwide face severe hunger and our warming climate is putting millions more at risk every day. If average global temperatures rise by just 2°C, 189 million additional people will be at risk of hunger”.
- Sábado 11, às 13h – “By the Numbers: Investing in the Future of Aging”. Trilha ou Tag: Health & MedTech / Carreira / Equidade. Tem transmissão online e VOD. “U$17+ trillion. The current valuation of the Silver Economy. 426 Million. This is the number of people around the world who will be 80+ by 2050. As you read this description, you, yourself, are aging...and the Silver Economy is growing. Someone needs to care for our aging population. And someone needs to care for this essential workforce. Fortunately, innovations are being created today to help us prepare for this future”.
- Sábado 11, às 14h30 – “Online Crime: An American Crisis”. Trilha ou Tag: Tech Industry. Tem transmissão online e VOD. Com Robert Downey Jr. “Cybercriminals, con artists, digital spies. We call them many things but they all have the same motive - to steal your data and information and ultimately, your money. Last year, Americans lost nearly $7 billion dollars to online crime. (…) In this session, actor and producer Robert Downey Jr., who recently set out to learn everything he can about online crime and its impact on the world, brings together three of the industry’s most knowledgeable minds”.
- Sábado 11, às 14h30 – “They’re Skipping Your Life’s Work in 6 Seconds”. Trilha ou Tag: Advertising & Brand Experience. Com Brent Anderson, global chief creative officer da TBWA\Media Arts Lab. “Breaking through creatively has never been more daunting. Over the last two years, there has been an absence of memorable work for brands. With a more disconnected workforce, and our work having to work harder, are we sacrificing creativity? Is the process of getting to great work fundamentally broken?”
- Sábado 11, às 16h – “Corporate Activism: Speaking Out and Taking Action”. Trilha ou Tag: Advertising & Brand Experience/ DEI. “Corporate social responsibility has become mainstream, ESG practices have reshaped business approaches, and, more recently, diversity, equity, and inclusion have become foundational efforts. Civic engagement is both a natural evolution of this trajectory and an urgent response to threats to democracy. Amalgamated Bank, Ben & Jerry’s and Patagonia serve as models for how businesses can use their platform to speak out for social justice and leverage their relationships (investors, customers, employees, board members, vendors, stakeholders) to have an impact on those issues”.
- Sábado 11, às 16h – “10 Breakthrough Technologies of 2023”. Trilha ou Tag: Tech Industry. “Every year for the past 20+ years, MIT Technology Review has selected a list of the breakthrough technologies that will have the greatest impact on how we live and work in the future. This year's list includes some technologies in the headlines now (like EVs, image-making generative AI) and others that are probably entirely new to you”.
- Sábado 11, às 16h – "The Other A.I.: The Rise of Artificial Intimacy & What it Means for Us". Trilha ou Tag: Community /AI/Ml/Sex & Relationships. Com Esther Perel, psicoterapeuta e podcaster. Sugestões intermináveis sobre o que comprar, quem namorar, o que escrever, onde procurar e o que ouvir a seguir fluem direto para nossos feeds - nos levando a pensar que temos controle sobre tudo. Talvez isso esteja nos deixando menos preparados para as incertezas e imperfeições intrínsecas à vida e ao amor. Perseguir a certeza nos deixa inflexíveis e socialmente atrofiados. Como isso está afetando nossas parcerias, amizades e comunidades?
- Domingo 12, às 10h – “What’s Driving Digital Media Deals”. Trilha ou Tag: Media Industry. Com Roy Schwartz, cofundador e CEO do site Axios. “The recent surge in media M&A is dramatically reshaping the industry as digital media startups woo investors and join legacy companies. But with a saturated market, continued uncertainty around publishers’ viability and outcry over consolidation, what’s still convincing investors to back digital media darlings?”
- Domingo 12, às 11h30 – "Design in Tech Report 2023: Design and Artificial Intelligence”. Trilha ou Tag: Design/ IA. Tem transmissão online e VOD. Com John Maeda, vp de design e IA da Microsoft. “Large Language Model (LLM) AI has brought brand new hopes, and fears, for how we might transform the next wave of technology products and services”.
- Domingo 12, às 13h – “Keynote: Ryan Gellert”. Trilha ou Tag: Sustentabilidade/ Clima. Tem live, transmissão online e VOD. “A Conversation About the Future of Business with Patagonia CEO Ryan Gellert”.
- Domingo 12, às 14h30 – “The Universal Intern and Partner: How Generative AI is Changing How we Work”. Trilha ou Tag: Tech Industry/ IA. Tem transmissão online e VOD. Com Kevin Kelly, ex-editor executivo e atual Senior Maverick da Wired. “Nobody will lose their current job because of AI. Instead the current versions of generative AIs serve primarily as a partner, intern, and assistant. They are indeed creative, but lower case creative”.
- Domingo 12, às 14h30 – “You Should Start Your Own Indie Agency”. Trilha ou Tag: Advertising & Brand Experience/ Workplace. Com Magnet Media, Codeword, The Wolf Effect e Mofilm. “This panel brings together successful indie agency founders to share the ‘real’ story of what it's like to start your own shop”.
- Domingo 12, às 16h – "How AI and the Metaverse will Shape Society”. Trilha ou Tag: 2050/ Metaverso/ IA. Tem live, transmissão online e VOD. Com Ian Beacraft, CEO da Signal and Cipher. “Generative AI is digitizing skillsets, making them programmable and upgradeable. As a result, a new class of Generalists will dominate the era of generative AI. (…) This will flip the corporate world on its head and is already disrupting training and education. (…) The combination of AI and extended reality will bring about the return of the apprenticeship, where our teachers are machines”.
- Domingo 12, às 16h – “The Largest Cleanup in History”. Trilha ou Tag: Climate Change/ Liderança / Oceanos. Com Boyan Slat, fundador e CEO da fundação The Ocean Cleanup. “The Ocean Cleanup develops advanced technologies to rid the world’s oceans of plastic. They aim to achieve this goal by taking a two-pronged approach: stemming the inflow via rivers and cleaning up what has already accumulated in the ocean. In 2013, Boyan Slat (then aged 18) dropped out of his aerospace engineering study to work full-time on this ambitious project”.
- Domingo 12, às 16h – “The Future of Privacy on the Net with Chelsea Manning”. Trilha ou Tag: Tech Industry. Tem transmissão online e VOD. Com Chelsea Manning, ativista trans, ex-analista de inteligência do exército dos EUA, que colaborou com o site WikiLeaks, e autora do livro “README.txt”. “Based on their experiences in the front-lines of activism and creating privacy-enhanced infrastructure, Chelsea Manning and Harry Halpin will put forward a revolutionary plan for an internet that is private by default”.
- Domingo 12, às 16h – "Esports Entertainment - The Next Decade". Trilha ou Tag: Game Industry. “In this panel, we’ve brought together representatives from some of the biggest names in the industry to discuss what’s next for eSports as pure entertainment, and how the diversification of content in and around eSports competitions will evolve over the next decade”.
- Segunda 13, às 10h – “Why Can't We Have Nice Things?”. Trilha ou Tag: Workplace Revolution. Tem transmissão online e VOD. Com Heather McGhee, autora de “The Sum Of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone And How We Can Prosper Together”. “Heather is one of our most brilliant thinkers about economic inequality, from her viral TED talk about racism's economic costs to her NYT bestselling book The Sum of Us, which reveals that racism's true cost doesn't only affect people of color—it impacts everyone”.
- Segunda 13, às 10h – “How Teens Really Feel About Social Media”. Trilha ou Tag: Tech Industry/ Gen Z/ Social Media. Com Frances Haugen, ex-executiva do Facebook que denunciou a rede, acusando-a de se preocupar mais com o lucro do que com a privacidade do público. “The United States has declared a youth mental health crisis, and the role of technology has a massive impact on how kids feel about themselves. Social media specifically has become ingrained with how teens build identity and community, but research has shown that it also exacerbates feelings of depression and anxiety”.
- Segunda 13, às 13h – “Keynote: Tilda Swinton”. Tem live, transmissão online e VOD. A atriz protagoniza o filme “Problemista”, que terá exibição no festival.
- Segunda 13, às 14h30 – “Building a Sustainable Economy in the Metaverse”. Trilha ou Tag: XR & Metaverse. Tem transmissão online e VOD. Com Nonny de la Peña, jornalista americana, documentarista, empresária e fundadora e CEO do Emblematic Group, uma companhia focada em realidade virtual, imersiva, aumentada e mista. “We are in the midst of a massive digital revolution from 2D to 3D. The metaverse is changing how we connect, work, and play. As the metaverse is being created, it is our responsibility to build a sustainable foundation”.
- Segunda 13, às 14h30 - "Tiny Beautiful Thinks". Trilha ou Tag: Creating Film & TV / Women, Storytelling. Tem live, transmissão online e VOD. Com Cynthia Littleton, Cheryl Strayed e Liz Tigelaar. Liz Tigelaar is creator, showrunner and executive producer of the upcoming Hulu series "Tiny Beautiful Things”, released April 7, 2023 -- based on the book by Cheryl Strayed and starring Kathryn Hahn. Prior to that, she was the creator and showrunner of the Hulu limited series “Little Fires Everywhere.” She got her writing start on NBC’s groundbreaking drama “American Dreams,” and created the critically acclaimed series “Life Unexpected.” She recently adapted the bestselling Taylor Jenkins Reid novel, “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” as a feature for Netflix. Cheryl Strayed is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail, which has sold more than 4 million copies and was made into an Oscar-nominated film. Strayed is also the author of the critically acclaimed novel, Torch, and the collection Brave Enough. She has hosted two hit podcasts, Sugar Calling and Dear Sugars.
- Segunda 13, às 14h30 – “A Brief History of the Future”. Trilha ou Tag: 2050/ IA. “In a time where technology has accelerated, futurists and business leaders must look at yesterday’s lessons to drive the business strategies of tomorrow. In this session, Deloitte Consulting’s chief futurist, Mike Bechtel, will discuss the history of IT and its evolution along 3 cornerstones of computing: interaction, information, and computation, and how organizations can use the lessons learned to build a strategy fit for the future”.
- Segunda 13, às 16h – “Why DEI Matters for Video Game Characters”. Trilha ou Tag: Game Industry/ Mulheres/ DEI/ Storytelling. “Hypersexualization, violence, stereotyping – or complete omission. In the gaming world, these are the (virtual) realities diverse characters face. In fact, an overwhelming majority of lead characters are male. Four out of five female characters show unrealistic physical proportions. Less than 10% of characters are non-white. That has a broader impact”.
- Segunda 13, às 16h – “A Citizen-Centric Future City”. Trilha ou Tag: 2050/ Mobilidade/ Urbanismo. “This panel invites an architect, a mobility expert and a post-purpose preacher to discuss the sustainable future of transformative urban design for people, not cars, creating space for more free mobility and engagement, and more personal human(e) connection to the urban landscape, greater freedom and greater health”.
- Terça 14, às 10h – “A New School of Leaders Transforming the Marketing Experience”. Trilha ou Tag: Advertising & Brand Experience. Tem transmissão online e VOD. Com Conny Braams, chief digital & commercial officer da Unilever, e Jeremi Gorman, presidente da área Worldwide Advertising da Netflix. “In a conversation led by MediaLink CEO Michael Kassan, you will hear from power players across the ecosystem who are flipping the script, creating experiences that engage consumers by reflecting the convergence of commerce, community, culture & content”.
- Terça 14, às 11h30 – “Self-Driving Cars: From Science Fiction to Scale”. Trilha ou Tag: Transportation. Tem live, transmissão online e VOD. Com Mary Barra, CEO da GM. “General Motors and Cruise are on a multidimensional path to autonomy, and they are proving that early investment and the right strategy are making a fully autonomous future possible today”.
- Terça 14, às 11h30 – “Leguizamo Does America: Next Stop – Austin”. Trilha ou Tag: Film & TV Industry/ DEI. Tem transmissão online e VOD. Com o ator e comediante John Leguizamo, que estreará em 16 de abril a série documental “Leguizamo Does America”, na MSNBC. A produção trata da influência e contribuições inconfundíveis dos latinos que vivem nos EUA.
- Terça 14, às 11h30 – “The Metaverse Mindset for Web3, AI and the Future of Business”. Trilha ou Tag: 2050/ Metaverso/ Web3, IA. Tem transmissão online e VOD. Com Sandy Carter, SVP e Channel Chief da Unstoppable Domains. “In this session we’ll explore how Web3 is changing what it means to exist online through advancements in digital identity and data ownership. We’ll look at how the Metaverse is revolutionizing the future of community with presence and emotion. And examine how AI is being leveraged as a partner to businesses”.
- Terça 14, às 11h30 – “EarthGlow: An Astronaut’s Perspective”. Trilha ou Tag: 2050/ Espaço. Com Sian Proctor, geocientista, artista especial e astronauta. Ela foi a piloto da missão SpaceX Inspiration4. Foi a primeira mulher afroamericana a pilotar uma astronave.
- Terça 14, às 13h – “Keynote: Unfold The Universe: NASA's Webb Space Telescope”. Trilha ou Tag: Espaço. Tem live, transmissão online e VOD. “As the largest and most complex observatory ever launched into space, Webb went through a six-month period of preparation before it began science operations with 50 major deployments, careful alignment of the mirrors, and calibrating the instruments. These experts will talk about Webb’s latest scientific discoveries, and how this observatory will continue to explore the uncharted territories of our cosmos, and share a never before seen image from the James Webb Space Telescope”.
- Terça 14, às 14h30 – “All About Games. Data, Trends, and What’s Next for 2023”. Trilha ou Tag: Game Industry. “Join video games professor Joost van Dreunen for an update on the biggest trends in interactive entertainment. After two years of super-growth, the $200 billion games industry has switched to hard mode. Consumer demand softened, esports took a massive financial haircut, cloud gaming claimed its first casualty with Google Stadia exiting, and the collapse of crypto took a toll”.
- Terça 14, às 16h – “Work Panorama 2023”. Trilha ou Tag: Workplace Revolution. “Working environments are changing more rapidly than ever. ‘Stable Diffusion’, ‘Metaverse’, ‘Workation’, ‘Quiet Quitting’ – future work environments are influenced by different technological and socio-economic factors. After the past pandemic years and in the face of the ongoing climate crisis, the future of work seems more and more uncertain. The WORK PANORAMA 2023 draws connections and outlines the challenges and potential consequences that are ahead of us”.
- Terça 14, às 16h – “Climate Data is Power – to the People”. Trilha ou Tag: Climate Change. “When we harness the power of big climate data, we can all make better decisions for our cities, our countries and our homes. As our planet warms, the water from the oceans comes on-shore more often in ways we are just beginning to fathom, often to devastating effect”.
- Quarta 15, às 11h30 – “How to use Economics for Good Global Citizenship”. Trilha ou Tag: Markets & Economies/ Ética. “How can we empower humanity to thrive through economic models and principles? (…) How can we as global citizens adjust our focus to help the world? See micro and macroeconomic principles through a different lens: ‘the dark’ features of toxic efficiency, scarcity, game theory and GDP, and ‘the light’ in GHI, increased time to justice, positive productivity in governments and bi-partisan policy”.
- Quarta 15, às 13h – “Keynote: New Order”. Tem live, transmissão online e VOD. A banda, que tem show em Austin na segunda 13, dentro da programação do SXSW, faz o lançamento de um festival de música e conferência em Manchester, cidade onde o grupo surgiu. É o Beyond The Music, que acontecerá em outubro deste ano. Três integrantes do New Order falam da trajetória da banda e da iniciativa, da qual são embaixadores.
- Quarta 15, às 14h30 – “Introducing Michael: The Man Known as Killer Mike”. Trilha ou Tag: Music Careers/ Storytelling. “Killer Mike gets recognized for many things - being an Outkast protege, a member of rap powerhouse Run The Jewels, one of Atlanta’s biggest advocates, a Bernie Sanders whisperer, and, perhaps most importantly, a voice of reason in an increasingly insane world”.
- Quinta 16, às 14h30 – “Don't Be a Drag, Just Be a Queen”. Trilha ou Tag: Culture/ LGBTQIA+. Tem live, transmissão online e VOD. Com Jaida Essence Hall, vencedora da temporada 12 do reality RuPaul’s Drag Race; Gottmik, makeup artist, escritora e ativista pelos direitos de pessoas trans; e Symone, ganhadora da temporada 13 do RuPaul’s Drag Race. “2022 saw a record number of anti-LGBTQ bills introduced across the country, and we’ve already seen one Texas lawmaker announce that he will introduce a bill to ban youth from attending drag shows next year. (…) Top drag queens from RuPaul's Drag Race will join The Trevor Project to discuss drag’s historical roots and cultural significance today, why promoting self-expression is so important, and how we can all help create a more accepting world”.
A cobertura do SXSW 2023 pelo Clubeonline tem patrocínio de Audaz, Brunch – Influência de Verdade, Ça Va, Modernista Creative Producers e Vandalo.