
The 10 Most Watched Ads

Os comerciais + vistos no YouTube, em maio


"#LoveAtFirstTaste", criado pela MullenLowe para Knorr, encabeça a lista dos comerciais mais assistidos no YouTube, no mês de maio.

GoPro aparece com dois filmes, "Man and Grizzly Bear - Adventures with Bella" e "GoPro Awards: On a Rocket Launch to Space", em um ranking que ainda conta com marcas como McDonald's, Lufthansa, Procter & Gamble e Evian.

Confira abaixo os 10 filmes publicitários mais vistos no YouTube em maio de 2016 (do 10º ao primeiro colocado):

10 - Cricket Wireless "#PhotoMombing! Because Moms Are the Bomb!"
Creative Agency: Shareability
Media: MEC
Views: 968,555

9 - Temptations Cat Treats "Catterbox"
Creative Agency: adam&eveDDB
Media: Starcom (Buying), Mediacom (Planning)
Views: 1.0 million

8 - Benzac "ThingsYou Wish You Could Control In High School"
Creative Agency: BuzzFeed
Media: Assembly
Views: 1.1 million

7 - McDonald's "Angry Birds"
Views: 2.1 million

6 - GoPro "Man and Grizzly Bear - Adventures with Bella"
Creative Agency: GoPro Original Productions
Media: IPG Mediabrands
Views: 2.6 million

5 - Lufthansa "Everyone's Fanhansa"
Creative Agency: Kolle Rebbe
Views: 3.3 million

4 - GoPro "GoPro Awards: On a Rocket Launch to Space"
Creative Agency: GoPro Original Productions
Media: IPG Mediabrands
Views: 3.9 million

3 - P&G "Thank You, Mom - Strong"
Creative Agency: Wieden + Kennedy
Views: 5.4 million

2 - Evian "Baby Bay"
Creative Agency: BETC
Media: Group M
Views: 7.2 million

1 - Knorr "#LoveAtFirstTaste"
Creative Agency: Mullenlowe
Media: PHD, Mindshare & Reprise Media
Views: 33.2 million

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The 10 Most Watched Ads
