
The Baptism

Vilão de Far Cry 5 em filme criado pela DDB


Para promover o game "Far Cry 5", da Ubisoft, a DDB Paris fez do antagonista do jogo, o "profetaJoseph Seed, o ponto focal do trailer "The Baptism".

Dirigido por Martin de Thurah, o filme mostra Seed batizando novos membros de seu grupo. Depois de submergir uma mulher na água, o personagem passa por um flashback. No final, quando a cena retorna para Seed, percebe-se que ele matou a mulher por engano.

Ficha Técnica:

Client: Ubisoft/Far Cry 5

Agency: DDB Paris
Executive Creative Director: Alexander Kalchev
Art Director: Alexandre Lagoet
Copywriter: Stephane Kaczorowski
Agency Supervisor: Marie-Elise Archambaud, Laetitia De Camas
Resident Gamer: Alban 404
Planner: Sebastien Genty, Dominique Castellano
Agency Producer: Sophie Megrous
Post-Producer: Toby Ridgway

Client Supervisor: Geoffroy Sardin, Guillaume Carmona, Camille Aneas, Alexia Brume

Production Company: Henry
Producer: Jean-Luc Bergeron
Production Director: Yannick Dupas
Director: Martin De Thurah
Director of Photography: Khalid Mohtaseb
Editing: Mikkel E G Nielsen/ Antoine Varreille
Post-Production Supervisor: Sébastien Gros

Post and Sound Production: Schmooze / Ballad
Producer: Gregoire Galian
Sound Editor: Sylvain Rety

Post Production Image, Vfx Et Mastering – Mikros Mpc
Production Director: Fabrice Damolini
Executive Producers: Malica Benjemia & Quentin Martin
Supervisors: Thomas Haas & Mickael Girod
FX Graphic Artist: Vincent Audineau
Nuke Artist: Randy Gudin
Flame Artist: Jao M’changama
Coordinator: Antoine Bory
Remote Grading: Mpc London
Carlibration: Jean-Clément Soret
Director of Colour Production: Ellora Chowdury

The Baptism
