
The Good Report

As campanhas de responsabilidade social que se destacaram


A quinta edição do ranking The Good Report, desenvolvido pela ONG internacional ACT Responsible e pelo Gunn Report, destaca campanhas que fizeram bom uso das ferramentas criativas em 2017, para promover a sustentabilidade e a responsabilidade social, com o intuito de aumentar a conscientização sobre as principais questões sociais e ambientais.

Nesta edição, foram avaliadas 1.045 campanhas, produzidas por 680 agências para 850 anunciantes de 80 países diferentes. A lista é criada a partir da combinação do reconhecimento da indústria, desempenho no Gunn Report, bem como do esforço promocional por trás dos trabalhos e reconhecimento do público, com os voto popular, organizado pela ACT Responsible.

O Good Report 2017 é composto por 40 campanhas, das quais 31 são para ONGs, instituições e fundaçõesnove são para marcas comerciais. A primeira colocada é "Fearless Girl", criada pela McCann Nova York para State Street Corporation, seguida por "Switch it off", da Ogilvy Alemanha para Anistia Internacional e "Meet Graham", da Clemenger BBDO Melbourne para Transport Accident Commission.

FCB Brasil integra a lista das 25 agências em destaque nesta edição do The Good Report.

Confira abaixo as listas:

TOP 40 Campaign Agency Advertiser City Country

Fearless Girl McCann New York State Street Corporation New York United States
Switch it off. Ogilvy Germany Amnesty International Berlin Germany
Meet Graham - The only person to survive on our roads Clemenger BBDO Melbourne Transport Accident Commission Melbourne Australia
Evan BBDO New York Sandy Hook Promise New York United States
The First Braille Smartwatch Serviceplan Germany Dot Incorporation München Germany
Emergency Network Saatchi & Saatchi Toyota Motor Corporation Sydney Australia
Man boobs for boobs DAVID MACMA Buenos Aires Argentina
Like my addiction BETC Paris Addict'Aide Paris France
SickKids VS- Undeniable Cossette Toronto's SickKids Hospital Toronto Canada
The World's Biggest Asshole The Martin Agency Donate Life Richmond United States
The Virtual Crashboard ServicePlan France Sécurité Routière Paris France
Check it before it's removed- Naked Breasts on Facebook Against Breast Cancer DDB Group Germany Pink Ribbon Germany Düsseldorf Germany
Afrivan Mask Advantage Y&R Greenpeace Africa WindhoeK Namibia
Onde de choc (shockwave) la chose Direction de la Sécurité et de la Circulation Routières Paris France
There's always room for more adopt McCann Worldgroup Mumbai World For All Mumbai India
Rewords Leo Burnett Melbourne Headspace Melbourne Australia
Baltic Sea Project/Aland Index RBK Communication Ålandsbanken Stockholm Sweden
Down Syndrome Answers FCB Canada Down Syndrome Society Toronto Canada
Open your eyes Grey Dusseldorf Terre des Femmes Düsseldorf Germany
Dirty Watercolor TBWA\Santiago Mangada Puno ABS CBN Lingkod Kapamilya Foundation Inc. Makati Philippines
Dads #ShareTheLoad (integrated case) BBDO India Procter & Gamble Mumbai India
The Swedish Number Ingo The Swedish Tourist Council Stockholm Sweden
Halloween TBWA\PARIS Burns & Smiles Boulogne-Billancourt France
Search Racism. Find Truth. FCB Zürich Refugees Welcome Zurich Switzerland
When You Drive, Never Drink. Jackie Publicis Italy Heineken Milan Italy
#IAmMuslim VML South Africa PASSOP Cape Town South Africa
Open Helmet Y&R Amman Jordan Insurance Company Amman Jordan
Cansa Testimonials FCB Cape Town Cancer Association of South Africa Cape Town South Africa
25m2 SYRIA POL Red Cross, NRK TV-aksjonen, IKEA Oslo Norway
Melting Ice Caps Leo Burnett Manila WWF Manila Philippines
Care counts DigitasLBi Whirlpool Corporation Chicago United States
Mein Kampf – against racism Ogilvy & Mather GmbH Gesicht Zeigen! Frankfurt am Main Germany
Made From Remains FCB New Zealand New Zealand Fire Service Auckland New Zealand
Launching People program Leo Burnett Sydney Samsung McMahons Point Australia
#NoFilter Happiness FCB UNICEF Brussels Belgium
Edible Six Pack Rings We Believers Saltwater Brewery New York United States
The First Ever Pinterest Yard Sale Deutsch Krylon Products Group New York United States
Sound of Trauma Herezie David Lynch Foundation Paris France
#MaPlaceEstDansLaSalle FRED & FARID Prodiss Paris France
20,000 hectares of forest DDB Uruguay Dirección Nacional de Bomberos Montevideo Uruguay

TOP 25 Agencies City Country

BBDO New York New York USA
McCann New York New York USA
Ogilvy Germany Berlin Germany
Clemenger BBDO Melbourne Austtralia
Serviceplan München Germany
David Buenos Aires Argentina
Saatchi & Saatchi Sydney Austtralia
BETC Paris Paris France
Cossette Toronto Canada
The Martin Agency Richmond USA
la chose Paris France
Serviceplan Paris France
DDB Group Dusseldorf Germany
Advantage Y&R WindhoeK Namibia
McCann Worldgroup Mumbai Mumbai India
Leo Burnett Melbourne Austtralia
RBK Communication Stockholm Sweden
FCB Toronto Toronto Canada
FCB New Zealand Auckland New Zealand
Grey Dusseldorf Dusseldorf Germany
TBWA\Santiago Mangada Puno Manila Philippines
BBDO India Mumbai India
FCB Inferno London UK
TBWA\PARIS Paris France
FCB Brasil São Paulo Brazil

TOP 20 Networks

BBDO Worldwide
FCB Worldwide
McCann Worldgroup
Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide
Young & Rubicam Group
DDB Worldwide
TBWA Worldwide
Leo Burnett Worldwide
Serviceplan Group
Publicis Worldwide
GREY Global Group
Saatchi & Saatchi
Havas Creative Group
J. Walter Thompson Worldwide
Cheil Worldwide
Dentsu Aegis Network
Geometry Global
M&C Saatchi
MullenLowe Group

TOP 10 Brands

Amnesty International
Red Cross
Procter & Gamble
Médecins du Monde
Direction de la Sécurité et de la Circulation Routières
FIDH (International Federation of Human Rights)

The Good Report
