
The Good Report

As melhores campanhas de responsabilidade social


A ONG ACT Responsible e a consultoria de marketing Warc apresentam o The Good Report, que procura listar os esforços mundiais que fizeram melhor uso de comunicações criativas para promover a sustentabilidade e a responsabilidade social e aumentar a conscientização sobre as principais questões sociais e ambientais.

Foram avaliadas 1108 campanhas, produzidas por 673 agências para 882 marcas de 76 mercados diferentes.

O ranking combina o desempenho das campanhas que integram a lista Warc Creative 100 (elaborada com base no desempenho nos mais importantes festivais criativos) e iniciativas da ACT Responsible (Great Ads for Good Exhibition, Care Awards, One Minute of Responsibility, Good Ad Gallery e votação do público).

The Good Report selecionou 40 campanhas. Na sétima posição aparece "The Uncensored Playlist" (leia e veja aqui), criada pela DDB Berlim para a organização Reporters Without Borders da Alemanha, com brasileiros na ficha técnica (Gabriel Mattar, que era ECD da DDB Berlim e atualmente é CCO da Innocean Europe; Ricardo Wolff, ex-DC da DDB Berlim e agora ECD da Innocean; Felipe Cury, ex-diretor de arte sênior da DDB e agora ECD da Africa; e a dupla Lucas Mayer, compositor, e Iris Fuzaro, diretora de cena).

Confira abaixo as campanhas de responsabilidade social de maior sucesso, segundo a nova edição do The Good Report:

Rank Campaigns Agency Market Brands

1 DO Black, The carbon limit credit card RBK Communication Sweden Doconomy
2 StorySign FCB Inferno United Kingdom Huawei
3 Xbox: Changing the Game m:united//McCann New York United States Microsoft
4 ThisAbles McCann Tel Aviv Israel IKEA
5 When you can read everything, it changes everything In The Company of Huskies Ireland SUAS Educational Development
6 The E.V.A. Initiative Forsman & Bodenfors Sweden Volvo
7 The Uncensored Playlist DDB Berlin Germany Reporters Without Borders
8 Dot Mini. The First Smart Media Device For The Visually Impaired Serviceplan Germany Dot Incorporation
9 Dreams FCB Lisbon Portugal Portuguese Paralympic Committee
10 Project Revoice BWM Dentsu Australia The ALS Association
11 Leaders on Leaders Juniper Park\TBWA Canada IFEX
12 Looks Altmann + Pacreau France Fondation Abbé Pierre
13 Humanity DDB Mexico Mexico Greenpeace
14 Affordable Solar Energy on Demand Ogilvy Guatemala & Ogilvy Bogotá Guatemala/Colombia Kingo
15 Ouvrir les yeux La Secte France Aide et Action
16 #RespectezNosRegles CLM BBDO France CARE
17 Blink to Speak TBWA\India India Asha Ek Hope Foundation
18 Like an Oven Boys and Girls Ireland Volkswagen
19 Plastic Fish Piece of Cake Spain Centro de Recursos del Agua (CREA)
20 Vielfalt Jung von Matt/Next Alster Germany EDEKA Zentrale
21 #TruckArtChildFinder Impact BBDO/BBDO Pakistan Pakistan Berger Paints
22 To The Last Tree Standing Ogilvy Poland Poland Greenpeace
23 The Last MakeUp Havas Tribu Costa Rica Avon
24 This is a tree TBWA\Santiago Mangada Puno Philippines Boysen
25 #TouchOfCare Publicis Singapore Singapore Procter & Gamble
26 Black Supermarket Marcel France Carrefour
27 We Don't Always March Straight Volt Sweden Försvarsmakten (The Swedish Armed Forces)
28 Aucune femme ne mérite de vivre dans la peur Madame Bovary France Une femme, un toit
29 #TrollingIsUgly adam&eveDDB United Kingdom The Cybersmile Foundation
30 Stop the Horror Revolver/Will O'Rourke and Cummins&Partners Australia Go Gentle Australia
31 Defy The Name BBDO New York United States Monica Lewinsky / Anti-Bullying
32 My Line MullenLowe SSP3 Colombia Ministry Of Communications & Technology
33 EUandMe ICF Next Belgium European Commission DG COMM
34 Nature represented Maruri Grey Ecuador Sambito
35 Electric Slaves Havas Prague Czech Republic Amnesty International
36 The Hardest Worker FCB India India Mahindra Rise
37 Skinny Toys McCann Prague Czech Republic CARE
38 Universal Love McCann New York United States MGM Resorts International
39 La peor novela Pages BBDO Dominican Republic UNICEF
40 Entre les murs Demoiselles/ASM Films France ARSLA

Most successful Agencies 

Rank Agency Market 
1 Publicis Conseil France
2 McCann New York United States
3 FCB Lisbon Portugal
4 RBK Communication Sweden
5 FCB Inferno United Kingdom
6 McCann Tel Aviv Israel
7 In the Company of Huskies Ireland
8 Forsman & Bodenfors Sweden
9 Serviceplan Germany
10 MullenLowe SSP3 Colombia
11 ICF Next Belgium
12 McCann Prague Czech Republic
13 Altmann + Pacreau France
14 BWM Dentsu Australia
15 Juniper Park\TBWA Canada
16 VMLY&R Amman Jordan
17 DDB Mexico Mexico
18 Ogilvy Guatemala & Ogilvy Colombia Guatemala/Colombia
19 Boys and Girls Ireland
20 La Secte France
21 Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness United States
22 Bold Creative Saudi Arabia
23 TBWA\India India
24 McCann Santiago Chile
25 Piece of Cake Spain

Most successful Network

Rank Network

1 McCann Worldgroup
2 BBDO Worldwide
4 Publicis Worldwide
5 TBWA Worldwide
6 DDB Worldwide
7 Havas Creative Group
8 Ogilvy
9 Grey Group
10 Saatchi & Saatchi
11 Dentsu Aegis Network
13 MullenLowe Group
14 Serviceplan
15 Jung von Matt
16 Leo Burnett
17 Wunderman Thompson
18 Cossette Communication
19 Cheil Worldwide
20 DAS Group of Companies

Most successful Brands

Rank Brand
1 Greenpeace
2 Doconomy
3 Care
4 Amnesty International
5 Huawei
6 Volkswagen
7 Microsoft
9 Reporters Without Borders
10 Suas Educational Development

The Good Report
