
The love that never changes

Ogilvy cria para KFC


O verdadeiro amor entre um homem e seu cãozinho é tema de novo comercial da rede de fast food KFC.

"The love that never changes" foi criado pela Ogilvy Sydney.

O filme promove o sanduíche Original Recipe Burger.

Ficha Técnica:

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy, Sydney, Australia
Executive Creative Director: Derek Green
Head of Art: Emmanuel Bougneres
Deputy Head of Strategy: Ryan O’Connell
Executive Business Director: Leigh Bignell
Group Account Director: Katie Dally
Account Director: Kate Smith
Account Executive: Ellen Corr
Director: Jason Wingrove
Producer: Josh Jenkins
ProductionCompany: One20
DOP: Jason Wingrove
Editorial: Jess Mutascio at The Editors
Online: The Editors
Audio Post: We Love Jam Studios
Sound Engineer: Andrew Stevenson
Agency Producer: Peter Hackforth
Media planning and buying: Mediacom

The love that never changes
